
A good code shouldn't look like this huh?

  • 4
    @thmnmlst haha I searched for Js wallpapers xD
  • 11
    Well, only the minified version imo
  • 2
    @linuxxx what is a minified version?
    Like without space and tabs?
  • 2
    The version that usually appears in browsers and stuff, but yes, enters and tabs get removed
  • 1
    @eeeddr ahh like the dev tools view in a web browser?
  • 1
    Exactly, except they maybe copied that to a code editor so it'd look nice
  • 3
    @eeeddr I think that's it "hyper hacker coding wizard shit"
  • 1
    Oh no, triggered!
  • 1
    I just call it vim 😛
  • 0
    If (c < 2 * b - 1){}
  • 0
    What do you guys think this code does anyways?
  • 11
    @jakobev minified versions are run through packers to reduce code size. These not only strip whitespace, but also replace var/function names, and often also optimize the code to further reduce its size. The resulting mess is no longer readable, but is smaller and functionally identical to the original.
  • 1
    @Ashkin thank you girl
  • 0
    That's my way
  • 2
    Even though I think every programmer should know operator precedence like a running water I still argue one should add extra parenthesis for clarity around operations like
    2 * b - 1
    as a reader I want to be 100% sure the coder wrote what he intended
  • 1
    It's clearly supposed to be minified but there are still lots of spaces left.
  • 1
    @retnikt yeah looks like a fancy minified version...
  • 1
    it is not fully minified just to fill any space that it can be a stock image for articles
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