
Can somebody tell me why people put pics of someone else in their profile photo??
Pics of kids/spouse/friends and the like.

I don't know why I'm so annoyed by it.

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    I am also annoyed by ppl who use their child’s photo as their profile pic. Why do they do this??? Way to violate your kids privacy.
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    @ctnqhk you ever see the story of the mommy blogger whose child grew up, found the old postings, asked mom to stop and mom was all “nah”?

    Some fun reading that one.


    Sorry if anyone is particularly bothered by the link being buzzfeed but the cliff notes are there.
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    @ComputerToucher Well she clarified that she will 'discuss' the contents of her post with her daughter before posting.

    Imagine being 9 or 10 and not being amused by your mother's invasion of your privacy. Then having to discuss what she can write about while having to wonder if your kid-self is being unfair to your mother. Totally fair deal.

    Oh this does my nut in. Not a fun read at all. I can take it for face value that you do it out of love but ugh. The kid's asking you to stop and even asked if photos can be taken down! I hope the kid has come to terms with it. Like no parent is perfect and every family has their own balance. I hope the kid has found her balance. Whatever. Ugh.
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    @ComputerToucher It makes me yearn for the olden days when my mom had to buy film, take photos of me on the milestone days, get those photos printed, and then send those out to all the relatives. Plus, no Facebook or Twitter back then to make your kid pics go viral. I don’t think mommy bloggers would eff with all those steps and costs and lack of attention.
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