Ughh , I have a question, how soon do you think it'll be before Microsoft buys devrant and they use all your rant history to fuck up your employability???

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    Why would they need to buy it, the history is public already
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    Why would you using an alias that can be tied back to you, i think that's peoples first mistake.
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    My employability is already fucked up, tbh, because I have too much “self-respect” to put up with what normatively passes for “interviews” these days.
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    @stop yeah if you live in the EU
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    @ComputerToucher i guess it is, hr sucks
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    the real question is, how long before microsoft buys devrant and then forces their retarded "Microsoft Login" on us. Forcing us all to use a barely usable, half of the time not working custom OAuth architecture that jumps 30 links before it finally gives your fucking credentials to the fucking caller. But then when you come back again, despite clicking "Remember Me" it will refuse to remember you, and even worse, once you don't put in your password correctly it will block your account and force you to use your phone number to recover the account.

    When that day comes, I will either shoot myself, or everyone working for that bloody mess of a "company"
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    I bet when the band Bad Company made the single hit Bad Company in their album Bad Company they were thinking of Microsoft
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    @Hazarth Microsoft login sucks balls, its slow, somehow manages to open 6 tabs for you before you login, has a sms 2factor authentication service that takes years to arrive, don't get me started on their authenticator app, and the remember me that will never remember you, and how does login in micraft bedrock a fucking game have to involve multiple apps, the Minecraft app, the browser, the authenticator, xbox app, and multiple tabs
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    @stop good for you the rest of us are fucked
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    @EpicofGilgamesh The Azure portal is like a greatest hits of infuriating MSFT UI/UX habits. And their CLI library is barely any better.
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    Why would they bother
    Screwing over random devs
    When they have their own
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    @ComputerToucher you forgot to mention the azure documentation, pointless garbage if you ask me, you will have better luck jumping in there and just try stuff till it works
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    "you will have better luck jumping in there and just try stuff till it works"

    That's a damn lie and you know it ;)
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    @ComputerToucher it's an exaggeration sure but you know too well azure docs ain't the arch wiki,
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    I like digital oceans blog thing, they should try that
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    I tell people during interviews that I am not doing algo tests.

    Been working professionally since 2012. I don't thin I need to solve some linkedlist question. I would literally stop interviews at that point and leave them fucking themselves over some harvard algos graduate that doesn't know how to sanitize inputs from a form from changing his fucking underwear.

    I have fucked myself enough with that, I can fuck myself over with devrant if they somehow manage to trace it back to me.

    Spoiler alert: they won't
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    @AleCx04 how do you reflect years of experience in problem solving, with link-list implementations, things that there are already libraries for
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    @dontbeevil come on Microsoft has their legs wide open for a ball kickin, and let's not forget they totally deserve it , soo ..
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    @dontbeevil let me get my grandpa , I need his DeLorean
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    @dontbeevil Yeash the 90s did call in - at Microsoft. That's why Windows sucks again at least as much as in the 90s, just in a different way.
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