"Type mismatch : cannot convert from Root<MyClassType> to Root<MyClassType>"

Ok Eclipse, I'm gonna make some coffee for you too.

  • 1
    Some time ago I had similar problems, too. The reason was that I consumed two SOAP web services deployed on a jBoss Application server (now wildly). Both services shared the same class on server-side. My client did not recognize this till I synchronized the wsdl files using some tools.
  • 0
    One more potential reason, but unlikely. A class is also identified by it's class loaders. So a Class<String> loaded by System class loader does not equal Class<String> loaded by webappclassloader.
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    @kaqqao Even dumber. Both on my side than on Eclipse's feedback : An import was missing, I thought I did it with the bad habits of keyboard shortcuts. But there were no way to notice that, since the quick fix proposed by Eclipse was a cast.
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    @nickhh Actually, that's more simple and pretty stupid : An import was missing. I usually do the shortcut to organize imports, and I thought I did it when I started to use those elements. Looks like my bad habit is part of responsibility, with the IDE feedback
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