
Has anyone ever used the "it's not a bug it's a feature" line?

  • 8
    Every single time. But only for fun. 😁
  • 5
    I've had it used on me. Commercial product with what amounts to a memory leak, reported to support, got told it was a feature.

    Their product was using 60GB of ram.

    Their solution? Restart the app.
  • 16
    Works everytime ;)
  • 0
    @alwaysmpe @runfrodorun

    Well I suppose if it was running on windows, that is a feature. Forcing you to restart the OS as well, since it needs it once in a while 😂😂😂
  • 2
    It's only a feature if it's documented.
  • 2
    I prefer "it's working as designed". If they told me to make it do a thing, then by god it's doing that thing.
  • 0
    Yeah , too many times
  • 0
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    Have you ever player GunZ: The Duel? He is the major example of that. It is a 3rd person shooter in which you can climb walls by using a sword attack-jump-forward. Also, your shots do more damage if you jump-sword-attack-gun-shoot. And people use that glitch like a feature and theese moviments even have names. Search of Gunz KS on youtube
  • 0
    My mates code always seems to go wrong, so I use this line every time I see the ASP.NET MVC error page :D
  • 0
    I was doing a data bank for a college project, and for some reason, after 100 values he started deleting the first ones and adding the new values on the end. I did not know why and told the teacher it was to save HD space and to only store relevant info, the most recent ones. Dodged a bullet!
  • 0
    My outlook kept crashing today... having no email all day was in fact not a bug, but a feature.
  • 1
    @arthurolga Same thing with the BXR combo from Halo 2
  • 1
    Haha so many times it's my username
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