Reasons I hate the US

1. It's fucking 2 in the morning there and folks are checking their Slack when they wake up for pee breaks or done after their sex sessions.

Nearly 90% of the team is on and off checking Slack.

2. Culture fucks have only 10 holidays and hence they align rest of the world to their calendar and only give 10 holidays. India, Europe, and entire world can easily get 15 holidays per year outside their leave quota.

What a cluster fuck of a country it is.

  • 5
    I'd really like to meet you some day. Sounds like we'd agree on a lot.
  • 5
    @ScriptCoded lol

    I have a dream to meet each and every devRanter.

    We can Zoom away until we hangout in person.
  • 1
    Sooo... 2 policies from the company you work at sum up a 300+ million people country? 😄
  • 11
    I get 30 holidays per year in Germany.
  • 4
    @nonox good point, here is how I am looking at it

    1. By hating US, I mean the capitalist corporate culture. Not people.

    2. I have worked for two companies and both were American. My US team-mates used to be online at godly hours for India teams and vice versa. The sample size is more than 50.

    3. The holidays are determined by majority of the corporate segment and that is currently led by US companies. We have Indian companies giving more than 15 days as holidays outside the yearly leave quota.

    4. My interaction with Americans on Socials have been similar where majority was of corporate grind mindset.

    @-ANGRY-STUDENT- 30 holdiays excluding or including leaves?

    If I had to include my leaves and holidays, I am eligible for 12 holidays, 15 sick leaves, and 15 vacation leaves.
  • 3
    @Floydimus I sure wish I could meet every devranter
  • 8
    @Floydimus Sick leaves come on top of holidays. For up to six consecutive weeks in the same matter, you get full salary from your employer. After that, health insurcance pays, but only 60%.

    I had exactly one day of sick leave this year, and ironically, that was because of the Corona vaccination.
  • 3
    @Fast-Nop seems like having psychology safety does impact stress levels by reducing them and making you live healthier and happier.
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    @Floydimus for some reason I didn't get notified about you mentioning me :D

    But it seems like fast-nop answered your question already :)
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    @-ANGRY-STUDENT- notification test.. test fail?
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    @-ANGRY-STUDENT- I have won, but at what cost!
  • 1
    @Floydimus it did cost you everything
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    @-ANGRY-STUDENT- not my soul yet...
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    I get 34 days holiday per year (26 + Bank Holidays), working for a US company, but based in UK. Not sure how many our colleagues over the pond get. The legal minimum is 28 days here (including bank Holidays)
  • 1
    I just want to know who's having all these 2am sex sessions, 'cause, I'm feeling pretty damn cheated right now.
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    They're Americans, they're not having 2am sex sessions, they're having 2am eating sessions in front of the TV
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    @nibor Can confirm :(
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    @rEaL-jAsE stop gambling and being a bad influence on kids here.
  • 2
    15 days???
    German minimum is 24, any decent company will grant 30
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    @LotsOfCaffeine in India we have that kind of break up.
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    Oh no, I check my Slack all the time! 😅 Can we still be friends?
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    @AmyShackles Haha yes ofc. We can be friends.

    I am not against people but the culture that is set in the US. People are merely the victim of that culture.
  • 1
    @Floydimus well, in the US we don't really celebrate literally every amd anything like the rest of the world and make it a holiday where you get paid extra and or the day off so its kinda moot. It comes worth workin with others in different countries. Should we all be on Indian time since that seems to be the majority of coders, scammers, call centers and help desks? Lol
  • 3
    @ScribeOfGoD lol why did you get offended?

    I am not attacking the American people but the capitalist, labour exploiting, system.

    Surely not asking anyone to align on other's timezone.

    And most countries have wide array of holidays because of the diversity of their culture (ironic to the American dream of diversity?)
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