Got some detailed feedback from Booking.com, upon asking.

I answered all the questions right. But they said I am not ready for a Sr PM role (which might be true).

Here are three points that I captured from the feedback:

1. Focus on details
2. Clear and better reasoning for WHY
3. Realistic over idealistic scenarios

While it makes me feel low that I didn't make it but this feedback will surely help me overcome the challenges and clear interviews in future.

On to the next one now. Let's see what comes my way..

One thing for sure, there is lots and lots to learn for me yet.

One thing I surely lack is articulating my thoughts and keeping things crisp while conveying the information aptly.

Anyone has any tips/resources on how to improve in this area?

  • 2
    Obvs I kno but practice. Have a look for local speaker groups. Meetup website is a good place to start.
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    @atheist what a coincidence, just reinstalled the app and was checking if there is anything nearby.

    Nothing much happening around apart from few board games.

    I think now I know what to watch on YouTube.
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    @Floydimus yeah, I have to say, I'm in London and there's a reasonable amount of stuff around me, but out of major cities not much.

    You might find some online speaker events at the moment. T'is the season (year, era, however we're gonna refer to covid in future)
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    @atheist I am in India's largest city and yet we don't have anything because Meetup culture hasn't grown much here.
  • 4
    Interviews are shit in general, other than being Zeus himself that came down from Olympus to help the puny mortals, a good chunk of it will be luck.
    It's really just practice and getting a feel for what people in the specific area you're applying to want to hear.
    I got my comfiest jobs from a 1 hour conversation, and my shittiest job after a month+ process.
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    @ars1 you speak my mind.

    A large portion of being successful at anything in life is luck.

    And yes, my current job and all other success I got in life were unprepared and unplanned for.

    And when I spent 40+ hours preparing for Facebook, I was rejected in first 5 minutes into the call. Lol
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    @theKarlisK in my case, I dontgo much into the details and keep things on surface level.

    I must start going deeper while explaining things in interview. IRL, working on floor with stakeholders, have to keep things crisp.

    One thing for sure, being good at interviewing and being good at performing are twi different things.
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    @theKarlisK lol yes, Facebook thing was shit.

    I can totally find Booking.com rejection valid.

    And since both these were one after another, because of Facebook, my booking.com got messed up.
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    point one is bullshit.
    if you're supposed to be the PM, you are NOT supposed to focus on the details. that's what programmers are for.

    the other two points, okay.
    the third one, yes, yes, please god yes. that's what 99.9% of PMs fail at.

    the second point is... complicated?
    it's more like... yes, you should have clear reasoning why you're asking for something, but moreover, you should accept clear reasoning from devs about why what you're asking for is bullshit. another thing that 99.9% of managers fail at
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    @Midnight-shcode what you say is absolutely right and applies for the actual role.

    However, while interviewing, it is the exact opposite.
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    @Floydimus Would you be able to start a Meetup?
    Think how much exposure that would get you with companies where you are. Surely that’s great personal branding.
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    @TrevorTheRat yes, that's a good idea.

    I have organised meetups in past and done a lot of community related activities.

    Just got busy when I joined new job. Let me try something for 2022.
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