Why all these SW engineer interviews include 2 days of questions about sophisticated algorithms which i have never (and probably will never) have chance to even reuse, because they are NOT simple & understandable for any project community? IMO It is like asking to show Assembler skills on frontend-dev interview...

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    A lot of people disagree with this style of interviewing. It really is total bullshit. I got my job today by simply answering a few questions about web programming (that I claimed I had the most experience in). Apart from that, it was a mostly social/behavioral interview so the team could see if I am capable of interacting.
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    I'm a big fan of doing some whiteboarding, but not in the traditional sense. I give a problem to solve, start drawing boxes and arrows, then get the interviewee engaged and see how we work together. Seeing how someone solves problems is valuable, asking them questions they'll never have to answer on the job? Yeah, you nailed it, complete waste of time.
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    Interesting task is a System Design question. You`ve got some abstract task like “design a search engine” or “url compression SW like bit.ly” Of course, it is not related to the potential work and I am not expert for that, but it seems like a good chance to share your knowledge about full stack solution with cache, CDN, load balancing, scalability or rolling upgrades etc. Do you thing such task is more useful for recruitment? (: Do you use that?
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    @witcher92 I think those kinds of questions can be useful, so long as the person conducting the interview puts more weight on solving a problem together than what the proposed solution is. The interviews I do are for full stack devs... If it was for a different position the questions would be tailored for that role.
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