> Mister BossDeveloper, I'm calling this method called "consoleLogger" and I'm not seeing anything in console, why is that happening?
> Mister IHateForALiving, it's redirected to some pm2.log file

The 180iq move: create a method, explicitly call it "PRINT TO CONSOLE" and make sure it doesn't print to console, ever.

  • 1
    Hmm, maybe the application is redirecting all output to stdout to a file?
  • 1
    @LotsOfCaffeine that's what they say it does, but then why are you creating a method called "print to console" in the first place.
  • 0
    Because that is nicer than. print_to_stdout (or stderr if applicable). And then still wonder why noting is shown in the console because isn't that where stdout output lands?
  • 0
    the moment you saw a *method* (a thing that does something, a verb) called consoleLogGER (named as a noun, a thing that is just a thing), at least a small alarm should have gone off in your head and you should have checked what is up with that.

    just sayin'...
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