
If you want to be strictly vegetarian, e.g. only eating plant-based food, and you have a nervous system (e.g. you're not a vegetable), then that's not possible. You need B12.

B12 is complex, and it can't be found in plants — lifeforms that obey laws of evolution don't just spend energy to create a complex substance they don't need. Plants don't have a nervous system, hence no need for B12.

In animal kingdom, there are no animals that are only eating plants. Not a single one of them. Herbivores eat their feces regularly, as B12 is there, but it's synthesized in our bodies at the point when there is no chance that it can be consumed.

Deer eat lemmings on a regular basis. Among herbivores, this is not uncommon.

If you want to be strictly vegetarian, and you don't want to eat B12 from supplements (because it's derived not from plants as you probably guessed), you can make it happen with certain kinds of fermented food, where B12 is synthesized by specific bacteria.

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    According to Business Insider, apparently you can also get it from Nori (that algae they use to wrap sushi) and Shiitake mushrooms.


    Ain't cheap, though. Nor easily available in most places.
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    Person: I can be anything I want.

    Nature: Nah, you can't.

    Person: I am a vegetarian.

    Nature: Nah, you an omnivore.

    Person: I am a vegetarian!

    Nature: You have malnutrition.

    Person: Fuck!
  • 2
    I dislike vegetarians and even more so vegans.
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    I guess vegan vitamine supplement is made from animals... 🤣 Dont be ridiculous
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    You can get B12 from milk kefir (popular in the East I believe), for vegetarians B12 is easy, for vegans it is more difficult.

    I have a friend who is a strict vegan, he has been his whole life, he's in his 50s and runs marathons. Not sure what he takes for B12, but he's certainly not malnourished
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    Also, children who are deficient in B12 during development (and even during teenage years) are at an extremely elevated risk of developing MS.

    (Yes, this is independent research. There is very little official research likely because it is more profitable not to research it.)

    Take B12 (and B6 and B3) regularly. Apparently if B12 makes you feel more energetic, it’s because you’re deficient in it. And take Vitamin D. That’s another that helps your body do literally everything. And you know what? Eat liver, too (or if you loathe the taste, mix some desiccated liver powder in red pasta sauce) — liver contains pretty much everything you need.
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    I think by strict vegetarian you may be mean vegan?


    vegetarian = no animal meat (including fish)

    vegan = no animal product at all

    I am a strict vegetarian so no meat, no fish but I eat products like honey, cheese and eggs as well.

    And I agree with you, changing your food consumption without doing any meaningful research on the potential deficiencies is just dumb.

    Being vegetarian and vegan has been politized and it is a trend.

    I became vegetarian due to the fact I lost interest to eat meat and due to my opinions, but it is my choice.

    I find really infuriating people who force their views on others. (it goes both ways)

    I became vegetarian and I don't plan to convince anyone.

    Unfortunately, you always hear people who scream the most.
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    @blindXfish That’s why B12 supplements are like 16000% of your daily recommended value. You can only get a tiny bit of that, and it’s basically impossible to overdose.

    Same with Vitamin D. You could take 10k to 100k IU daily (depending on your weight) for months before you’d begin overdosing.
  • 1
    @Hazarth I see you also use bait when playing Spot the Vegan.
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    @nibor sounds like he's lying 🤥, that or his body is well adapted at consuming itself slowly.
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    My teenage daughter claims to be a vegetarian.

    H: "I hate meat."

    Me: "What about hamburgers?"

    H: "Only if Grandpa makes them on his bbq grill. Mmmmm."

    Me: "Steak?"

    H: "Grandpa's steaks are the best. Your steaks taste like barf."

    Me: "Hot dogs?"

    H: "Duh"

    Me: "Chicken?"

    H: "If mom cooks it. Sorry dad."

    Me: "Pork chops?"

    H: "OK, you do pretty good cooking those."

    Me: "I think I've established a pattern of someone who eats meat"

    H: "I hate meat! I wish I could only eat fruit!"

    Me: "That's not..um...never mind. Congratulations, you're a vegetarian."

    H: <smiles>"Told ya."

    Teenage phases are fun.
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    @Root is right, as usual.
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    @Demolishun you literally can without any malnutrition. My post is here to dismantle all that radical myths from vegans who hate everyone and anti-vegans who hate everyone who is a vegan.

    You can absolutely live off plants if only you consume B12, the only thing that cannot be derived from raw plants.
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    @sariel nice day for fishing, ain't it?
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    @kiki hold up, I don't just hate vegans.

    I hate everyone.....equally.

    Edit: sorry I lied, I extra hate those people that put their curly braces on new lines when they create a new function.
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    @sariel I did that when I was studying C. I was fifteen.

    Fuck me like you hate me
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    @kiki don't get me started unless you're going to finish me off.

    I always wanted to fuck a Russian spy.

    You be Chevy Chase, I'll be Dan Aykroyd.
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    @Root While Vitamin D supplementation is generally very safe even in high doses, it is often recommended to not take more than 4k to 10k IU per day.
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    vegains baby
  • 3
    @saucyatom If your levels are normal, yes. Most people are deficient, however, and the many of those are extremely deficient. 10k IU per day will not harm unless you’re not deficient and it’s daily over several months. It’s very difficult to overdose.

    Source: rather extensive research while I was starting and running a Vitamin D (etc.) supplement company.
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    @Root I'm not disagreeing, just wanted to add that much more than 10k IU is a bit on the extreme side.
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    @JsonBoa really? I finally found good thing about living in korea. Cheap salted nori..
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