Definition of code reviews in our company:

"Part of work that requires you to scroll to the bottom of the page and click accept button. Looking the changes is optional."

  • 1
    Used to work in a place like that. Tried to change it. Not worth trying.
  • 1
    Have you tried intentionally adding a bad PR?

    (If you really need to make people feel bad about approving it without reading you could lie about having a fever, then push some weird debug values and see if anyone catches it. That way it's easy to get out of "Oh I was dizzy and pushed too many files by accident...this is why we need proper reviews")
  • 2
    It's a terrible culture that's very difficult to change. People just click the accept without even looking.

    I have tried to show them by my actions that a PR needs a proper review. Through this, I have earned the praise and trust of everyone with consistent proper reviews. Now, they all want me to review their PRs before deploying.
  • 1
    @jiraTicket I don't really want to, since it will still be mainly my fault.

    I am worried about junior devs tough, since they often don't get enough feedback.
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