
Last september:
I get an email from a customer who want to end the contract. I inform him that the contract runs to the end of March and it will be terminated the last of march.

Customer agrees and I do not hear a word from him. Until now when I closed down all his services.

Angry email:
Why did you close the server and email? are you **** stupid!?

I reply:
21/9 2016, you wanted to terminate all services you had with us. That means that your domains, DNS-services, VPS, email and Office 365 was going to be closed today.

Why is this not uncommon?!

  • 34
    "Why is this not uncommon?!"

    Because most people don't really understand the technology they are using.
    Stuff like that happens when someone doesn't know the difference between a web browser and Google or between facebook and the internet.

    That guy said "sudo terminate contract", so it's his fucking responsibility to know what he's doing.
  • 27
    If you have that agreement on paper or some other legal document you have two options:
    a) Don't give a damn
    b) Reopen but charge 3x the amount as before

    We stopped carrying about that kind of customers long ago and I have to say, it turns out it's pretty lucrative as well :P

    Feels bad the first time, but hey they didn't give a shit 'bout you so it's time to fuck back.
  • 6
    Yeah, but he more like Did:
    sudo init 0
  • 8
    Good idea! I will have that in mind next time :) (which is propably today)
  • 5
    I think he renewed it for another 2 years...
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