
Tech industry: "We need thousands upon thousands of engineers!"*

* With a minimum of 5 years+ experience in about 30 technologies, able to do magic and ride unicorns while working 28 hours pr day just for the lolz of it. We do not provide training, courses or certifications of any kind. You are supposed to be able to pull those out of your ass yourself!

  • 14
    And we pay you in peanuts per annum
  • 13
    Entry level job with 3+ years of experience.

  • 0
    Try to look for project management positions fresh out of engineering school then! I think I will never succeed... there are many codemonkey jobs though...
  • 2
    Oh and we will go you an archeological artifact of a computer and expect your productivity to be that of fucking Jarvis
  • 1
    You need 45 years experience in Java.
  • 0
    And the kind of applications we'll make you do won't require 90% of the experience you have.
  • 0
    My experience with job hunting for a junior frontend dev position exactly :(
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