Working on my Lenovo x1 carbon. Akku warning "less then 6%" appears. No problem, I will connect the cable just after I finished this function... "Will shutdown in a view moments" message appears. Ok, I connect the cable. Nothing happens. Maybe power adapter is broken or something more worst. Panic. Try to commit and push as fast as I can (around 2000 LOC from today, made big changes on my project today). While pushing to github laptop powers off. Fuck. Check github on smartphone to see if commits had been pushed. No. I do not have a power adapter for replacement. FML.

  • 4
    Akku = Battery in German. Sorry it's late here 😐
  • 5
    At least it has been commited ^^
  • 5
    Oh wow your laptop show you a warning to react? My laptop shows the warning and after it appears it will shutdown immediately. Haha (acer aspire)
  • 2
    @zerberus Well.. the Ubuntu Gnome on my Laptop reads the battery state and pushes the notification.
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