🎼Cu-cum-ber docs led me to beliiiiiiiiiiiieve
The exit flag was un-nec-e-ssaryyy
Thought I’d make a new branch
Remove it in CI
Let it run in Jenkins
That’s the reason for the never-ending teeeeest ruuuun 🎶

^to the tune of Neverending Story

  • 2
    Jenkins, be gone!
    I replace you with Drone CI/or gitlab CI/GitHub actions or even circle CI/Travis

    Btw, drone CI is fully self hosted solution like Jenkins.

    Jokes aside, Jenkins is outdated and horrible.

    I use Gitlab CI with self hosted runners and quite happy.

    Drone CI integrates with almost anything, good simple solution too
  • 3

    If that link works 😅 I tried, y’all. I really really did.
  • 1
    @AmyShackles Beautiful voice.

    When I'm waiting it's usually... Cursing.

    In many languages. Too many languages. xD
  • 2
    @AmyShackles oh...

    And I was wondering why your bra was always coming up.

    It took too long realizing it spelled brain... Just bra \n in.

    I need weekend.
  • 1
    @IntrusionCM OMG Damnit, newline! Curse youuu!!
  • 2
    @AmyShackles oh wow, you nailed the last part of the song 🤟
    Instant childhood memories there.
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