
hahaha the PHP part at the bottom got me so hard 😂😂

source: found somewhere on reddit

  • 3
    Can someone explain the Java one?

    (Disclaimer: Java dev here, feeling a little insecure that i didn't get the joke 😥)
  • 1
    I already posted it. Got a few down votes 😛
  • 1
    It's been reposted several times.
  • 1
    In python..

    def freedom(princess):
    return self.princess.free
  • 1
    @theactionslacks that is easy: jvm on the server needs to load libraries via a classloader, and the wrong setup on two servers will cause you to load the wrong jars.
  • 0
    @magicMirror huh, it's not an issue I've encountered 😶 to be fair, our infrastructure guy is freakin fantastic, so I guess that's why!
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