Anyone use Golang here for system programming? I recently learned go and it would be very helpful if someone would describe me the pitfalls in go while writing fast softwares. I am planning to write a music player for Linux in go.

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    Go is more usefull in developing server backend such as developing RESTfull API in Web services.
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    @behdad yeah theoretical it's that but it was designed to replace C++ so, i was curious. I think Rust was designed for servers i guess but some guys are making an OS using that.
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    @theothergod Yeah you right about Rust. Rust/Clojure/Elixir are amazing for developing server backend. Once a time I read an article about a comparison between Go,Elixir,Express and Dart. And Elixir was amazing in handling the massive traffic. Rust syntax is really painfull :D But worth it to learn. But as you know C++ is a bit faster than Go. But syntax and coding in C++ is really horrible :D . I really didn't know that some guys build and develop OS in Rust!! Thank you for information!
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    @behdad yeah check this out: https://github.com/redox-os/redox
    This motivated me to write system applications in Go.
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    @theothergod fantastic!! Thnx a lot dude!
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    Dude this link could be useful
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    @behdad Thanks a lot dude.
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    @behdad I think the author of that article is biased towards Rust. Go compiles to assembly language and will be perfect for embedded system(he has said otherwise maybe he related to older version of Go) and is shown in the wiki pages of System programming languages: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...
    I think first I will do that on rust then try doing in Go. I will then write an article on medium then describing my experience on both.
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    @theothergod Yeah,I think you are right. I wait for your medium post to express comparison between Go and Rust from you dude! Nice job!
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    @behdad i will surely notify you through this rant's comment. I guess the system programming can be hard due to it's garbage collection. Rust uses manual memory management so it's easier for systems i guess.
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    @theothergod Yeah you are completely right about it. I have no experience with Rust but I know is real hard to maintain the code... Good luck dude!!
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