systemd is like: this service/process is throwing warning during boot, so let's wait 120 million seconds and hope the warning magically goes away because fuck you user who wants to get to his desktop. what's why!

  • 0
    What failed ? Warning exist in systemd just as an loglevel.
  • 1
    Sounds more like a distro or admin config problem than a systemd one.
  • 3

    SystemD uses whatever is configured.

    Think the documentation explains the how - the why is pretty simple: Trying to play nice while (SystemD as a service manager) is unaware of what the service does.

    E.g. just nuking a database without letting it write a consistent state to disk is pretty lethal.

    Letting a network application closes it's myriad of connections instead of letting a fuckton of unclosed connections on clients and servers open by just killing the process is a good idea, too.

    TLDR: SystemD does it for a reason - configure your service properly, as you are the only one who knows what's going on. SystemD just sets defaults, it's agnostic of what the service does.

    PS: This was always a controversial point, even in the good old days of shell init scripts.
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