
I look at my GitHub profile and I see when I have writer's block and fits of inspiration.

I need more green squares!

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    I can totally relate. I have started to fill it with green blocks. You should too mate. Find a nice project cool one. I think metasploit would be good for you too and start hacking the code and filling up those blocks. Looking at filled green blocks is real satisfaction.
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    Dudes, a constant streak means nothing. Really. It's not about the quantity. Try to have a life next to coding
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    @Charmgoggles dude, i didn't say that it's everything for me. Since, i do coding anytime of the day when I'm not going to college, better than starting a project and leaving it at half, it would be productive to contribute to an interesting open source project. It would be very helpful for self projects and the funny part is nowadays company look at github profile to select a candidate for a job so, we can do our hobby and magically get paid for it. 😁😁
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    @Charmgoggles dude, must say you have nice github graph.
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    @theothergod hahaha yeah I'm a fucking hypocrite ;)
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    @Charmgoggles though my work is suffering under it
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