
Wtf is the point of closing a project submission at a specific time. Yea sure let me know it’s late but if I want to post the file late let me. I was 8 seconds late to post a file for a project and it locked me out. Sure they say no late work but this is a stupid policy. Also, why is it due at 4am? No body is looking at these at 4am! Just make it due at 6 or 8am or something. Gaaa

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    obviously, you were looking at them at 4am. So someone is. Students that put assignments to the very last minute are xD
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    Nothing good has ever come from deadlines, they should be banned by law.
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    If you get one extension, you'll ask for another one.
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    Super anti-accessibility policy.

    Also, folks replying "u bad" please read a bit about accessibility, it's something we should be building into our software products...
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    Have a read of this thread for some context maybe
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    @atheist I don't see an accessibility problem here even after taking a look at the link. You have to turn in the homework latest at a certain time, you do it.
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    @Fast-Nop it becomes an accessibility problem when there is no exception.

    But I'd also argue:
    a) In the current environment, It's detached from reality to not permit any flexibility. There's a pandemic. Shit happens.
    b) That kind of policy will inherently favour people from better socio-economic backgrounds, creating an implicit bias.
    c) It's not really 'training' people for modern jobs.

    Granted, IMHO. I'm also feeling pretty rough of late, so it's also possible I'm in a shitty mood.
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    @atheist How does it become an accessibility problem? Sure, it can be a problem for students who do everything at the last moment, but I don't see what accessibility would have to do with that.
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    @Fast-Nop the question is why they're doing it at the last moment. There may be support structures in place to help individuals with documented difficulties, but getting documentation can be expensive and time consuming. It also means individuals may fall through the gap if they are starting to encounter difficulties.
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    @atheist That's not an accessibility problem with the deadline itself - though it may of course be one with a shitty setup in general.
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    @atheist That should be considered and the time given must be for people who can do it in the expected time and for those who may have problems.
    Plus if you don't give a deadline, people can do it at any time? Can they hand it in in years? That's out of the scope of the class, it requires you to learn and apply content in the estimated class runtime, so you have a soft deadline.
    If we agree then you can't force people to finish early and can't allow them to take too long, where do we draw the line? That should be the deadline.
    I see nothing wrong, but as many things, people often misuse them, like in this case, although I don't think 2-4 more hours are significant for the rest of the time given (probably days).
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    @Hazarth @kamen you both have good points, but a much better policy would be to deduct one point (or some fraction of the total) per hour late, rather than say it’s all or nothing on the deadline. The 0th hour counts.

    There are all or nothing deadlines in the workplace occasionally, but those usually don’t have to do with uploading code. Usually more like getting things ready to present for or some wider audience that is gonna fund you.
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    It's all good and well talking about the ideal situation and assuming everyone is in it. But that's not accessible. This is kinda my point.
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    @atheist That tweet still doesn't make sense because the students have to fulfil all of their tasks anyway. It's pretty easy: don't wait until the last minute, problem solved.

    Students complaining doesn't mean anything - students always complain about everything, and it's at most a sign that they need to learn how to deal with their time. That's their responsibility.
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    @Fast-Nop I’m not disagreeing with this assessment, just the assessment that the failure to deal with you time represents an abject failure of the assignment. Time is but one component of the assignment, but the only one that is 0 or 100 credit, in most cases. My argument is the grading on time should also be scaled like the other grading. Probably didn’t come across in my 4am rant, but yea that’s what I’m pushing for.
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    @jeeper Understandable, students always try to bargain. However, it teaches you a lesson for life: strict deadlines are to be respected, or else. For now, ignoring that has only cost you some points, but in real life, the consequences can be a lot more drastic.

    Even just within the dev domain, if you violate deadlines of the contract, the other side may demand that you pay a contract penalty. Or even worse, any sort of legal deadlines which may end you up in jail because you failed to do something on time and forfeited some sort of rights.
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    @Fast-Nop hence why deadlines should be banned by law also outside studies: they only create more work with no real benefit to anyone. Of course there can be penalties if the agreed time is not met, but my point is to reduce the amount of work that goes straight down the toilet.
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