All classes (with a few exceptions) have nothing but static methods just so that I can call them like "Class::Method()" from anywhere in the project...

  • 0
    @wolt this is a really bad practice... The methods don't change the class, the only reason they're in a class is so that I can call them by classname::method() and the only reason I have those classes is so that I can kinda group my functions...
  • 1
    Yeah, that just sounds like modular functional programming. Nothing to worry about. This is how I write all my code, basicly, but in a language that's more suited to it :)
  • 1
    Something like:

    FunctionalProgramming extends ObjectOriented
  • 0
    @FMashiro you can use namespaces instead 😂
  • 0
    @kr-b God no, those are horrible
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