
So I need to ask this because I've never experienced it.

Recently many of my colleagues left for greener pastures and now they're posting on linkedin once a week with some bullshit about how awesome it is to work wherever they went.

If this was one or two I wouldn't care, but it's like 90% of them vomiting this blatant brain-swill for almost 3 months now.

My suspicion is that these people are being coerced into posting this garbage. Am I correct that many companies these days are doing this now?

  • 8

    Probably part of their KPI's even.
    Check if they tag the company every time, there's probably a $ bonus for most posts in a month or something.
  • 11
    @C0D4 Jesus Christ... That's... Unethical?

    It's right out of the human trafficking cookbook!

    Thanks for answering, but Jesus that's depressing.
  • 8
    I used to work with a ceo who would call up to ask me why I was liking or sharing posts made by other people. Unethical probably not , insane yes.
  • 4
    @sariel sadly, it's the world we live in.
    But eh, as far as I'm concerned if you're company needs that kind of attention, then you're doing something wrong in the leads department.
  • 4
    @Zer07777 my only answer would be, "I liked the posts because you're calling me about them."

    @C0D4 that's kind of how I look at it. It certainly doesn't make me want to work there.
  • 4
    @Zer07777 that's highly unethical unless the posts are actually damaging the company.
  • 1
    lol corporate cringe.
  • 2
    @sariel @C0D4 Yeah, ceo at my job when I started was a little upset they lost the 5.0 score on glassdoor because of a "discruntled" worker. After 7 weeks of being here, the ceo is just generally an awful person which had me question all the other 5 stars.
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