You could do:

let categorysString = '';
categories.map((item, index) => {
if ( index === 0 ) {
categorysString = categorysString + `${item.categoryName}`;
} else {
categorysString = categorysString + `, ${item.categoryName}`;

Or you could just do:

return categories.map(category => category.categoryName).join(", ")


Previous company must have been payed per line...

  • 1
    Many coders don't know of these array methods (filter(), map(), reduce()). I was doing this in the early stages of my career as well...
  • 3
    also why bother to add 'categoryString' when index == 0...

    You already know it is the first element and the string is empty no matter what.
  • 3
    The join function is certainly one of the best examples of the simplification power of functional coding.
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