Let's start a holy war:
Tab vs Enter vs both for autocomplete / suggestions.
Please justify your choice.

  • 2
    Both but mostly enter. And i don't even know why tbh. I once had to work with an IDE not using the suggested entry when pressing enter but adding a line and it fucked me over so many times.
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    Why enter? Enter is to execute the command i am typing or to add a new line. That is why is use tab or ctrl-n, depending on the context.
  • 7
    spaces ... wait ... what was the question?
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    Tab. Because enter is reserved for line break.
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    ALT+Enter is fine as it never gets in your way.
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    @Oktokolo agreed, the Holy alt enter
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    Well accepting a suggestion in most shells is tab by default. But I can have my mind changed.
  • 3
    Tab. The number of times I've autocompleted by accident when I just wanted a line break is pretty high.
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    @EmberQuill Same.
    That's my answer, but I may try some of what other comments say...
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    tab all the way.

    I still remember when I had to use Eclipse for a project and tabs didn't work, instead it sent the caret to nirvana. It just wouldn't let me continue typing so I closed and reopend eclipse instead of trying to figure out where it went. annoying af
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