Can people stop using Kubernetes and over engineering shit for services which get like, 10 users at most ? Thank you.

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    using kubernetes or containerization at all has nothing to to with that oO
    it's just an option for deployment.
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    I was working for a Director of IT who went to AWS for hosting of an in-house tool that'd have maybe 4 users, possibly rising to around 20 longer term. That's not simultaneous users, just people with access to the tool when they needed it. Over-engineering and over-complicating are just endemic nowadays. For me it's KISS every time, which means I know what my code is doing, can always get it validating as error-free and it runs lightning quick on cheap shared hosting. Try that when you're running Symfony for your crappy home made datepicker.
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    @ultrageoff THIS IS EXACTLY MY SITUATION God it feels good to be validated
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    Kube is bloat but if you have more than one dev containers are a no brainer
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    @ultrageoff Honestly for that use case I would definitely consider AWS, but try to only use serverless options where possible like API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB etc.

    For small apps with very few users it can end up being effectively free since you are charged based on API usage. And some only start charging when you get into the realms of millions of requests per month.
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    @Ibfalvy I genuinely don't understand why it's easier to get involved with containers than just communicating with your fellow dev(s) about the tech stack. Anyone needs something changing, they agree it with the group leadership.
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    @LLAMS I dipped a toe into AWS with my own bank card and was *astonished* at what there would be charges for. Even without doing anything at all (like, nothing) I was somehow approaching a chargeable level. Granted, I could really get to grips with it before daring to sign up, but there are so many people who have been bitten despite being wary and careful.
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    Remember, the more services and external third party dependencies the more awesome you are. Always use the best jackhammer to hang a small picture, this way people know you’re the greatest and follow best practices. Never just solve the problem, invent new ones!
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    You could just use docker.

    Pretty easy solution.

    Or bare metal / VM - given you have someone who takes care of maintenance __in regular intervals__.

    Kubernetes itself is pretty much overkill, Dockerfile / Docker compose is the simplest way.
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    @IntrusionCM even docker is too much for a lot of things and causes more problems than it fixes.
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    @IntrusionCM Docker and Bare Metal are on a very different level. Maybe you chose to use a OS as deployment platform before you go to bare metal first?
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    Bare metal just meaning that you don't use virtualization at all.

    That an OS is necessary should be given. :)

    After all, a Dockerfile is nothing else than a cooking recipe for a trimmed down OS + what you need.
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    @IntrusionCM bare metal means it runs without a OS. bare metal means it runs on a freestanding environment, where you don't have files, you have to write your own functions to get/measure time and so on.

    If you use an OS it is not bare metal.

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    The distinction is entirely bogus.


    I can quote Wikipedia, too. :)

    Bare metal can either mean without an OS or mean that you run without an virtualization stack directly on OS.

    Usually one will understand what it means in context.
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    @IntrusionCM Please don't say bare metal when you mean with an OS, it is confusing or wrong. I don't know a single developer that thinks bare metal applications run inside an OS. You are the first person that i see using the term bare metal for something running inside an OS.

    If you call an application that runs inside an OS bare metal, how do you call an application that runs without any OS?
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    @happygimp0 An application cannot run without an OS.

    And my comment meant something entirely else.

    It meant running on a server _without virtualization_. Hence the server is just for a specific entity / application.
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    @IntrusionCM Of course you can program applications on bare metal, without an OS. I did that many times.
  • 6
    I understand your frustration with the trend of overengineering services, especially for small-scale applications with minimal user traffic. It's essential to strike the right balance between using powerful tools like Kubernetes and simplifying your infrastructure when it's not warranted.
  • -1

    Great point! I understand, complex solutions are overused, especially for smaller-scale services. As an engineering student, I face daily challenges, from tackling intricate coursework to balancing project demands. For fellow students dealing with engineering assignments, I'd recommend checking out MySuperGeek's https://mysupergeek.com/engineering... engineering assignment help service. They've been a valuable resource for me, providing expert assistance that can make navigating these challenges a lot smoother. It's all about finding the right tools to simplify the complexity we encounter in our studies.
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