
First rant here, in search of engineer memes… 🤔

  • 3
    My self made one
  • 7
    Please go to lame indian facebook pages
  • 1
  • 1
    How about meme engineers?
  • 1
  • 3
    "From my training, my eyes, my hands and my mind, I as an Engineer ask for nothing more, than:
    The Sagacity to identify the problems I can solve;
    The Ingenuity to work around those I cannot;
    And the Creativity to turn one into the other.
    With opportunity, curiosity and perseverance, I vow to hack at what is wrong. So help me Math."
    - The Engineer's Creed
  • 0
    your life is a joke, laugh
  • 0
    Try the joke/meme tagged posts
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