  • 4
    focus on functionality only and appearances never.

    if it works great, it doesn't have to look great - at all.

    if it doesn't work great, it doesn't matter how it looks - at all.
  • 1
    Depends on whom you're showing it to.

    If it's your tech lead, they might be happy to see that your API is working when demoed through Postman. The same thing would appear as if you've done nothing to a non-technical person.
  • 3
    @kamen non-technical people should not _ever_ even think about deciding anything technical. so when talking about developing _technology_, they simply don't count.
  • 0
    @tosensei they do, since you work for them and not vice versa.

    Sometimes specs are determined by:
    - market (new buzzwords which attract investors)
    - commercial agreements
    - plans which may not be disclosed to you
    - tech cost
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