
Trying to uninstall Norton is like shitting but some of the poo touches your ballsack.

  • 8
    Never tried installing Norton but A+ for the analogy.
  • 4
    Wow that's a huge stack pile of shit
  • 2
    I once tried to uninstall McAfee from my laptop...in the end I just deleted all the program's files that weren't in use so it couldn't start anymore, because I couldn't find any other way to disable this pile of garbage.
  • 2
    Meanwhile, I simply stopped using antiviruses.
  • 2
    I think your sitting on the toilet incorrectly... Jus' sayin'
  • 0
    When you get a fresh laptop the first thing you do is reinstall Windows itself to get rid of the crudware. Haven't had to uninstall Norton since 2011.
  • 3
    As the only "tech guy" in my family, I have to fix their computers. How dare you think that I ever installed any antivirus bullshit on my PC? :D

    PS: With "touches your ballsack" I meant "grazes along the backside of your ballsack while it slowly wags out of the asshole", but that sounds a little gross. Just for those who think I can't shit properly...if this is even worth a debate. 😂
  • 2
  • 2
    *Forwards this rant to his manager*
  • 0
    @nnmrts If that seriously happens to you, you should probably go see a doctor, :p
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