🥱 yaaaaaasaaaaawn....sooooooo tired, I need a REST.

  • 2
    🥱 HTTP 200 OK
    {message:"same", error: "NO_CAFFEINE_FOUND_IN_SYSTEM"}
  • 2

    JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(response);

    String result = obj.getString("message");
    Boolean err = obj.getBoolean("error");

  • 3
    @jonas-w HTTP 418 i'm a teapot
  • 1
    @tosensei shit again!?!? Why am i using always the teapot to brew coffee, when you are already here:

    GET / HTCPCP/1.0
    Host: @tosensei
    User-Agent: sleep_deprived DEV (@jonas-w/v18)
    Milk-Type: Cream
    Syrup-Type: Raspberry
    Spice-Type: Mint
    Sweetener-Type: Sugar
    Alcohol-Type: Rum
  • 2
    @jonas-w cream, raspberry, mint, sugar, AND rum?

    please don't call that conglomeration "coffee".

    coffee is either black, or irish, or garbage.
  • 1
    @tosensei but i thought you were a teapot :(
  • 2
    @jonas-w a teapot who loves coffee ;)
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