Did you get onboarded as a developer properly? I mean did you have enough help to start coding real fast in your team? I find my new team has so many resources that I can't even go through and pinging someone every time feels like a kill every time.

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    Pick a service or product and learn about it. Nobody will fault you for trying to learn one thing at a time.

    If they do, start looking for a new job because you don't want to work there.
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    @sariel Yeah, I am doing one thing at a time. But while doing that, I am starting to feel that onboarding to dev team should be more systematic. What do you think?
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    I think a sr should at least at the beginning show you through everything and be there for questions
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    Even on smaller codebases you can't expect a new one to automatically understand the structure and everything let alone a bigger codebase
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    Maybe ask one of them to meet with you and then chat for a while so you understand everything. So you don't need to ping them for everything but maybe get a better understanding for the beginning
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    My onboarding for current company consisted of:

    - 1x laptop
    - 1x ssh credentials for prod
    - 45 minute run through several projects, that only had a prod instance
    - 1x nope thats it. That dev was on his last day and left after that.

    Some places give you a long ramp, others drop you in the deep end and expect you to swim a marathon.
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    It really varies from place to place and company to company. Don't feel bad about constantly pinging and asking questions, so long as:

    - The questions are relevant;

    - The questions aren't repeated;

    - The questions are relevant to the team practices & business, not technical knowledge you can Google.

    I never mind new team members asking questions - in fact I actively encourage them to, and get suspicious if they don't, because I know they're likely doing very little otherwise. What rattles my cage is when I constantly get asked the same question multiple times (write it down the first time!), get asked "but what does this (irrelevant) team use for their stack?" (who cares, focus on what you're doing now), or get asked "but how do I do this in Java" (Google it dammit, and you should know already.)
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    I can say this: NEVER
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