Today I guessed a Wi-Fi password. Am I a hacker.

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    Nope you are just lucky to find a person without brain.!!!
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    It should be qwertyuiop
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    The passwords are easy to guess for clever minds just type the wifiname followed by 123... Till a 8 characters are reached .
    The above trick will work in 2/10 device's.
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    You are only lucky
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    Comments better than the rant. 😂
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    You’re from Nepal too?
    Which college?
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    Nope just installed connection so guessed it would be mobile number and it was.

    @bishalthapasht From palpa, reading B.Sc.
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    @RamChandra it's probably closed public wifi you're using then. alot of places use their phone number as the password so it's usually the first thing I try
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    @jckimble hm I didn't know that, imma try it sometime👌
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    @ElixirX yeah if it's a public place it's usually either open or uses their number as the wifi password. atleast from my experience, the ones that it doesn't work on either have their wifi password on the wall or have it for employees only. but it doesn't hurt to buy something and ask especially if they have somewhere to sit inside.
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    @jckimble huh well thx for the tip☺
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    Don't forget your balaclava
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    You're a hacker by way of brute force (or sheer luck). Depends on which way you swing! Haha!
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    The best one even..
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    @Jasey No, it's just using default credentials. Breaking in a locked down device is hacking.
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    @Jasey As a pentester, I can tell you a device with default credentials is certainly not locked down. If someone walks into your house uninvited because you don't lock the door, did they break in and enter, or just enter?
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    @Wallpaper same concept depends on which state you are in. I know atleast in Mississippi if a door is unlocked or open and you're not invited or a sign isn't up saying come in, your ass can be arrested.
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    @jckimble Here you'd just get a warning shot 🤣

    How's this one: Getting on your friends Facebook because they didn't log off.
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    @Wallpaper I could shoot them where they stood as long as they didn't fall out of my doorway, with no warning shot. but that wasn't the point lol

    that's federal it falls under the "misuse of computers", if you don't have permission it's hacking and you still can be jailed for 6 months for each count that is provable. don't get me wrong though I file open wifi and not loging out as the dumbasses fault but those are the kinds of dumbasses that make the laws
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    @jckimble As grey hats say, it's only illegal if you get caught ;)

    I've met the people that make or petition laws, and I can't believe they're trusted with a keyboard 🤣
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    @Wallpaper I switched hats a few months before I turned 18 and I still say that 😂 thing is it's becoming harder to remain a ghost like I did now days. I'm actually amazed on how far information security has come in 8 years but it's still beatable.

    yeah that's most of the US Law makers as far as I'm concerned
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    Hacking means you exploited something that is set to prevent illicit use or changing program operation. Default credentials are not set for deterrence.
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    I bet you're not as good as my 9 years old cousin is, he guessed my neighbours wifi password three times.
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