
What would be the easiest starting point on low level languages?

I started with java, learned to hate it.
I continued with web development, learned to hate it.
Continued with PHP, learned to hate it.
Continued with scripting languages like Python, NodeJS, etc.., hated it from the beginning but it was easy.

But everytime i touch something like c/c++/rust/etc i immeadiatly give up, because the syntax is so different than all these other high level languages and so much null/type safety and so on.

But i want to get into low level programming languages which compile to an executable and don't get executed on some "vm".

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    Just write some stupid crap to start. Don't think C++ is an OOP language either. It is not. You can do OOP, but you can do just about any other style in C++ as well.

    C++ is not C with added shit. C++ brings whole different ways to think about programming. Stay away from templates until you get some sanity in the language. They are powerful, but they will fuck you in the head if you start there.
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    @Demolishun so if i understand correctly, i should try c++ but don't get to fast in to much detail?
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    @jonas-w C++ to me is modern and less fucky than other stuff. Sure you get exposed to memory management via pointers and stuff, but that is actually how the hardware works. So you are just being exposed to how hardware works. It is also in everything. So you will never lack for finding a use for it. Don't shy away from pointers when you get to them. Just figure those out. It will save time later.

    I am partial to C++ because I have done it forever. I like it partially because it can be done in any style. I am also used to it. It doesn't force paradigms on you either.
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    Get the basics in before doing templates. As in writing them. By all means use the std templates at the beginning.
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    @Demolishun okay thank you very much, should i start with the newest c++ version or does it even matter with what i begin?
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    Start with C, is really a simple language (not the programs logic written in it), you will be focused on learning the platform instead language features, on the other side i do not recommend start with c++ it has so many features, you will be easily lost.
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    @jonas-w at least c++ 11
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    @Demolishun if you use bare pointers on C++ at this point, you are arguably using it as if it's just C with crap added.
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    It really comes down to your own preferences and what you plan to work on so it's impossible to tell. Maybe start with a little of both (or all) so you get an initial idea of what you're getting into.
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    Build the simplest shit with C++ to start with. I like to recommend a guess-the-number as first project and a simple text based rpg as second project. Use google heavily during both and you'll be just peachy
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    Beauty and safety of a high level language.
    Performance of a low level language.
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    I'm also mostly a Py/Js guy, but recently found low-level very fun and interesting thanks to these:

    1. Game mods - I've been playing this racing sim (gp-bikes.com) that has input/output interfaces with C/C++ libs. Started creating data-loggers and controller managers for my needs and it really got me into lower-level stuff.

    2. Unity game engine - been learning to develop games in my free time, and Unity uses C# . True, it's higher-level than C/C++, easier and more forgiving, but you still "feel" the lower level langs under the hood (structs, pointers, heap/stack memory etc).

    If you went with Unreal that's pure C++ so might be more challenging/beneficial.
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