i got access to production of our internal website 😈😈😈

I'm finally gonna fix that shitty css

  • 3
    Let it live? XD
  • 2
    Everyone thinks they can
  • 4
    @theabbie the dev currently responsible for the front end is more of a back end guy and he hates that stuff. it's not actually that hard to fix the css. the only annoying part will be fixing the centering, the rest is fine
  • 4


    Oh the bitter sweet wordpun regarding css.

  • 2
    “Oh shit, having 15 indents and levels of specificity in my scss is bad?!?”
  • 5
    @darksideofyay wait until you find out it's not a CSS issue and they just have injected 15  's into the DOM.
  • 2
    @sariel nah I've taken a look at it, it's mostly misused bootstrap
  • 3
    Your username perfectly fits your rant 😄
  • 1
    Oh dear
  • 3
    I instantly imagined me being there, it feels so real, I can _see_ the UI you're talking about. I would've started with removing explicit widths and heights, as well as transitions and animations. Then, floats, clearfixes, and other things that have something to do with layout. I want a default document flow, with UI elements looking and wrapping like they're words in a sentence. From there, grid would've been fantastic. Final touch, a11y: increasing contrast, using some aria-labels and roles.
  • 0
    @darksideofyay remove that shit, and replace with html5. Corp should have modern browsers, if not get security involved.

    I would rebuild the layout in html5 grid/flexbox. And wireup the data.
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