There's this guy who randomly make sexual remarks. Not the usual guy's talk kind sexual remarks, but more of "I am going to rape this girl infront of her boyfriend and her father " kind of remark. Also he sexual harassed women coworker like take video of them in the toilet.

What we did was gathering every rape case possible (which is not related to him, but somehow the victims don't know who the rapists were) , all the evidence of him taking nude video of girls and report to police . We launch the statement that "maybe" the rapist was this phallus.

And the authorities got his arse and tracked. Well he asked for it.

Always remember "with great power of boasting bullshit, comes with a fat shit of consequences". The difference between the actual Spiderman and this phallus is that Spiderman think with his senses and shoot webbings from his wrist, but this phallus don't have any actual thought involve and shoot webbings from his micropenis.

I resigned after that.

  • 11
    How was he not fired as soon as it came to light he was videoing women in the toilet?! If that's not a fireable offense, I don't know what is.
  • 15
    @AlmondSauce but to feel better he is in prison now serving 55 years sentence ... So..... It's better than firing if you ask me.
  • 7
    @johnmelodyme They're not mutually exclusive.
  • 1
    @johnmelodyme How old is he? Any chance to get out before getting into the ground? Excluding the "good behaviour" early out of prison cards
  • 2
    @Drunkzee this year he is 28.
  • 2
    Thank god for guys like you.

    Rape usually escalates to murder.
  • 1
    @johnmelodyme So he actually raped someone?!
  • 1
    @Oktokolo in my former workplace , no.

    Before he work in my former workplace , yes
  • 3
    any sexual remark would be reason for a strike at least, and repeatedly the person should be fired. something of this magnitude should require the company calling the police themselves. good thing you did that, but it should be your employer's job
  • 3
    @darksideofyay unfortunately the employer only cares about "money money money "
  • 3
    @johnmelodyme hiring new people costs money. it's more cost effective to have a healthy environment and keep workers for many years. a place that tolerates that won't retain female employees and they'll be liable for a lawsuit, not to mention the damage to their reputation
  • 2
    @darksideofyay once told the boss this logic, about the reputation we got the "ARE YOU THE BOSS OR I AM THE BOSS?" reply.
  • 2
    @darksideofyay that's why I no longer work there.
  • 2
    @johnmelodyme it's still a pretty dumb way to manage a business, i just don't think money is a valid excuse
  • 2
    @darksideofyay certainly. But some people just horrible at doing business.
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