
Some time ago I learned that my brother was taking a MATLAB class at University. I thought to myself​ "hey, why not try teaching him another language, like C#".

He learnt that shit faster than anyone I've ever tutored! Even the 3rd years at University had more problems than he did.

So fucking proud.

  • 9
    I congatulate your brother on his ability to quickly pick up C# but I am also jealous of your brother's ability to quickly pick up C#
  • 5
    Good, try Haskell next. And then brainfuck just for lulz.
  • 0
    It's probably just how people think, but I picked up Haskell a hell of a lot faster than C#.
  • 5
    I'm gonna teach him some SQL this summer. I'm not too familiar with Haskell, so that's a nice idea on what to look at next. Thanks!
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