I have a question to my fellow developers...

Why is AI so important these days... I mean... Wouldn't we just lose jobs (so many vompanies laying of emloyees thanks to automation)? Isn't this kinda detrimental?
By AI, I mean robots, automation, etc... Not the AI in say, video gaming or chatbots.

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    @Setherizor You are probably right... But could you give me an example of what kind of jobs would we have remaining for us if robots/AI is able to do literally everything more efficiently than us? Wouldn't we be making effectively a more efficient version of ourselves which outperform us in every manner? Please do enlighten me... I really wanna know 😊
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    A physicist answering your very question: https://youtu.be/8eP7nuZgNqU
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    @Setherizor Wow... That's an amazing insight.... Thanks a lot for that 😊 I'll definitely remember it... Quite an awesome perspective for sure 😄
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    @densedever jst saw the video... Sums it up pretty nicely! Thanks 😊
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    hmmm. AI needs to be defined better, and it has certain limitations. once you understand what AI is, and why ML is *not* AI, and why automation is *not* AI, you can move on past these questions. True AI will have far reaching effects on the human social structure, world economics, and how we live our lives.
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    Then again A.I. probably is the key to mankind's survival. In a few decades we will colonies Mars. Wouldn't A.I make this transition much easier? Absolutely. Like anything it has it's downsides and I certainly don't believe we will live in a utopia (pretty sure the AI is gonna kill us at one point). Unless humans make a cure for death in our lifetime we will not see an AI that achieves a complete freedom status because people like me are paranoid that the AI will kill us. Probably the AI won't take our jobs but make the job easier for us in our lifetime.
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    @Zero6033 yea... As the history suggests... The stronget species shall always dominate the weaker ones... And in this case, we will be the weaker ones... 😅
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    If that does happen (I'm really sure you didn't mean to use literally but here goes) you wouldn't need to have a job, as the robots would do all the important stuff for you (including maintaining themselves/each other) and so you'd only need to enjoy your life while having everything (not literally for sure) done for you. Maybe communism would work that way?
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    @eeeddr i hear u... But in that case... Wudnt we lose the meaning of fun? Think about it... U can only define fun if u work hard to attain it... If we r jst gonna b having fun and enjoying... We wud simply lose its meaning...
    And yea... Perhaps literally was a bit too emphasized haha...
    Thanks for ur response 😊
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    I guess that depends on what fun really means to you.
    I'd say it's pretty subjective as you (which I'm assuming are forced to work for what you want, even you're still studying), a rich kid (which never had to do anything to get what they want) and even a drug addict (in the first stages, where he still considers the drug as fun and not really an addiction) all have hugely different meanings for fun, that's based on their educations, the environment where they grew and way of thinking (which is mainly based on the first two). My point is, they adapted in their own way to the situation and so will we.
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    @eeeddr I wish and hope ur true... Quite an interesting perspective btw 😊😊
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    @eeeddr do you sincerely believe that we will live without working because AI do our job? They are not gonna care about us like we don't care about ourselves. Those who don't find a job probably are gonna die of starvation. This has been the norm for many years and I don't think because a robot does things better than us we will live in a utopia. I hope space travel becomes a normal things and AI chill with us for a long while.
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    I'm not saying that's what will happen, that's just a possibility. The AI should always care for their creator, in this case, the human.

    However, as long as the human has an ego, there will be war, and as long as there's war we will never be able to live in a perfect world, not even with AI.

    If anything, the AI could make it even worse, as even though Al's laws state it can not hurt humans, it wouldn't be the first time a law was broken while in war.
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    @eeeddr there's always will be this guy who makes the AI without that law. A futuristic Hitler you can call it. We have to hope the best at least treat AI as our friends instead of slaves because the roles can change quite easily.
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    I don't think it will ever be as in the movies, where they will "take revenge on us".
    If anything, we need to consider them that friend if ours in which we don't trust, or maybe a dog, since there's always the possibility it will turn in us, not because it's become self conscious, but because of either a bug or a sabotage of some sort.

    But yes, I do believe there's somebody this precise minute that would destroy everything if they had a chance, and that will never change, there will always be that someone.

    I honestly think extinction will happen faster than perfection
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    @eeeddr I would consider them like children or equal as us. Never like a dog.
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    In my opinion... It is definitely a possibility that AI doesn't backfire on us... True that it could be superior to us in every way... But if it is truely AI, it shall also have some moral codes like human beings which would forbid them from decimating us.
    There are many lesser intelligent creatures around us... But we do care for them too... We have our morals. 😊
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    @Electrux we have driven some of them to extinction.
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    A dog simply in a way that we teach them, they obey us but there's always that possibility, pretty much like a child actually
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    @Zero6033 Well... We fight each other for domination and to preserve our morals... Perhaps that's what might happen with AI too?
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    @eeeddr @Electrux maybe just maybe xD
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    There are already (experimental) AIs writing code, like Microsoft's DeepCoder. Maybe most of us devs will be obsolete in the nearish future?

    A video on automation in general: Humans need not apply
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    @Setherizor and later this planet wouldn't even have human. Robots will do all the fuckin, produce their babies, create MNCs, partition, countries, nationalism, communalism, socialism, some new XYZism, war, poverty, hunger, nuclear attack and kill this planet again
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    Sometimes I wish to be forever with people I love. To see world changing from eyes.

    But Living for 5 centuries or more. I would prefer to die
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    @Setherizor and what if system is hacked. You are fucked, badly and in a way you never wished to get fucked
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    Human write software. Other human hack those softwares.
    Similarly, robots will write software, other robots will try to hack. It's basic human nat....Err...... It will be basic robot nature.
    It's called artificial Intelligence. It will get brain of its own. Facebook AI created it's own language
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