
Linux, unstable as always πŸ‘

  • 5
    but..... it runs! if it was windows showing this, i would take a jump.
  • 4
    Kinda true, albeit, wouldn't describe Windows as stable (or usable).
  • 2
    @darkness except in still running the same install since release... all you have to do is be competent
  • 2
    Too bad it doesn't works for you, man! Never had issues with it myself :)
  • 3
    Arch home server has been running since 2008, Debian dev workstation since 2005.

    Some reboots during power outages and upgrades of course, have swapped disks from raid arrays, replaced motherboards etc. So it's a bit of a Theseus ship thing, but both have been very stable through the years.
  • 2
    My wallpaper tends to do the same thing on Mint. I choose to believe it's a feature. nVidia card?
  • 0
    off-topic: What is that greeting? (l mean : A login you use)
  • 1
    That's elementary os isn't it? I've got the same bug.
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    @linuxbrother11 And with Windows, that login/lockscreen show ads for some shitty movie or game...
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    @linuxbrother11 yeah absolutely. Why i have not switched back to windows yet. My friend wants to play overwatch again tho, dual boot here i come!
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    I am so happy that i didn't buy a laptop with Nvidia graphics.
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    @PhantomBKB that's why I've on the same win 10 install since it came out :p lol
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    @dontbeevil Its depends, Arch, Gentoo, lfs, minimum install and other source distribution are kinda need user to config their system -> so, it actually user fault if user config the wrong way.
    But out of box experience distro use auto detect & config for user so (yes, u can say that is linux distro fault 😎)
  • 1
    @CSaratakij elementary​ is supposed to be like super friendly. To get it working I just had to update the kernel then memorize the steps to download and install Nvidia drivers as I got no output on my monitor πŸ‘
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