

Ok, some of this shit is interesting, let's get that out of the way:

Crypto - great for doing illegal things, great for financial speculation, interesting mathematically. But as likely to replace actual currency as I am to replace the fucking Queen.

NFT - should be written on the headstone of humanity. Entirely fucking useless, planet-roasting bro-wank dressed up as a revolution in...pretending to own shit. The only difference between a Bored Ape owner and my nephew pointing at a castle and insisting that it's his, is that he isn't thousands and thousands of pounds out of pocket by doing so.

Metaverse - AR and VR have been around before this dogshit rebrand, and they'll outlive it.

No, it's not that. It's that we now have a new species of parasite - the "Web3/Metaverse" LinkedIn guru insisting that this shit is even needed, let alone the next big thing.

Web 2.0 was a stupid fucking term alright, but it did represent a new generation of technologies that were badly needed, and adopted by the entire community. Web3 is a bunch of shit that some cunts think they can get rich off, so insist that we need. I wouldn't even give a fuck but I've already spent hours of my life explaining to clients and peers that this is UTTER FUCKING BOLLOCKS, there's no need for a blockchain in your app, there's no need for a blockchain in virtually anything. Yeah if you want some fucking 3d in your app or your page I'm your man, but if you keep saying 'metaverse' I'm going to fill it with easter eggs.

None of this shit was needed before and none of it is needed after. Have you looked at web3 games? It's Steve Buscemi asking 'how do you do, fellow computer games?', it's a fucking gambling app pretending to be something a human would do. Clash of Clans and Candy Crush already cornered the market for that type of fucking mug, right now you're making the Candy Crush business model look responsible and efficient. You CUNTS.

  • 6
    it is a shame about ar not being that useful yet.

    its the lack of accuracy and universal functioning of gps that's the issue.

    if you could get location including the altitude of the device down to 1/2 mm then you could do some AMAZING things with ar !

    the rest I agree with wholeheartedly
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    meanwhile. hold me. i feel empty inside because everyone's turned freak everywhere and are mostly just now realizing they fucked themselves and everyone else.
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    except the young ones. they're being kept stupid awhile longer.
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    i will not truman show john

    i will not truman show john

    i will not truman show john
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    ps this is my last warning to you people.

    stop doing your stupid 'It" shit with this person.

    not interested in jumping through hoops while you all program yourselves. which is exactly what is happening/has happened.

    if you all still want to suck my dick that is fine though.
  • 3
    @AvatarOfKaine it’s been a while mate, how are you? Glad to see you’re keeping the spirit alive
  • 5
    @MM83 I am doing much the same thing everywhere and people are wasting their lives much the same.

    I feel stuck in a world that has embraced an insane stupid fucked up system that ate it, and I have no interest.

    I need to find a place where the companies aren't hollowed out and populated by people doing literally the same things over and over and aren't revealed to have actually been evil trash.

    I can't be nice to people I know are evil trash for long. And these creatures keep trying to have their 'fun; with me and I keep letting them down. also they waste their days doing the same crap.
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    @MM83 beyond that looking for work. fun fun. trying to take care of a few things quickly and then move on. fun fun. heh.

    my super healthy diet stretches my resources out, but when I deviate they take a hit.

    like today I munched.

    I'm lonesome, the internet doesn't provide capabilities to meet anyone but whores anymore and all my games are played out, the new ones i bought at like ridiculously lower prices suck and I'm just tired out in general.

    I need a job that pays me something, and everyone just seems dedicated to the idea that our system should crash and burn and do this magical 'reset' where you still end up with lots of money but everyone does everything all over again so it doesn't matter.

    tired of watching the world rot in place.
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    @AvatarOfKaine I don’t think we’ve much longer to watch the world rot. Gotta be up soon.
  • 1
    @MM83 what are you up to at the moment ? how is life ?
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    @AvatarOfKaine sat in traffic in the rain, last couple of years might as well not have happened but I think that’s a pretty universal experience. Dropped most of my pandemic hobbies except the daily drinking.
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    @theKarlisK we just keep taking their money until they tire of it, same as it ever was
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  • 1
    @MM83 lets have an actual man to man discussion. see what the other side is doing and feeling so to speak.

    because around here its like they're all frustrated their true natures don't turn normal people on so they have to compete more over the few bastards that don't care.
  • 2
    noone loves me :(
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  • 1
    @MM83 no 'we' don't.
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    @AvatarOfKaine we is I and I is we
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    @MM83 not really. not in any identifiable way.
  • 3
    @MM83 sounds borgish.
  • 3
    @MM83 Well said. Unfortunately my current project manager is one of these buzzword blabbering web3 guys.
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  • 1
    @MM83 don't feel loved.

    feel like everyone is willfully keeping me crazy

    and themselves

    and years of everyones lives evaporated while people who pretended to love anything chased their perversions and cruel desires and perpetuated a game that ends up devouring the lives of all that play it and i still can't umderstand the how or why's of why someone, anyone , would do this.
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    @MM83 life would have been easier if people weren't so mean in general.
  • 1
    @MM83 so what happens when you people 'die' ? go hide in someone else's life until you have to 'die' again ? wouldn't it be easier if you all just didn't do really bad things and kept living and we all fixed the obvious problems in the system ?
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    god they're playing every extremely crappy sappy song their artists have ever put out right now.
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    @webketje I am so sorry!
  • 2
    Thanks! Always refreshing to hear the truth of this retarded stuff. ♥️
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    To me, Web 2.0 will always mean simply dressing default browser elements with drop shadows and gradient fills.

    and "Web 3.0" can fuck off.

    Digital contracting, however, is an interesting topic.
  • 2
    @ojt-rant Web 2.0 is about making login mandatory for anything, adding comments and like/subscribe buttons everywhere - and the most important part: Personalized ads (the only real cause for web 2 taking over the Internet).
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    Web 2.0 was a marketing term from suits that didn't understand AJAX. Nothing more.

    > Metaverse - AR and VR have been around before this dogshit rebrand, and they'll outlive it.

    VR as coined in 1989 and AR in 1990. Snow Crash was released in 1992, so Neal had probably coined Metaverse at or around the same time that VR and AR were thought up. One thing is for sure though, Cyberspace was already several years old at this point and really is the OG term.
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    @BubblePOP Noone knows. To me, it has always been a combined art and Ponzi scheme. 99% fraud. 🤷🏼‍♂️
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    @NotJeckel I hated the fucking term at the time, almost as much as “html5”, but looking back on it, it was the time css became sane and canvas became a thing. For all the horseshit around it, that time was revolutionary in terms of web dev. This shit is only revolutionary in how it wastes everyone’s time.
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    @NotJeckel The metaverse isn't about AR, VR or even 3D graphics at all. It is the marketing term for sharing assets between multiple companies. Metaverses allow you to buy something at company A and use it in applications of companies B, C, D...

    Obviously that concept works very well with 3D chats and almost not at all with MMORPGs. Also the metaverse will not be a singleton. There will be metaverses from all the big media and fashion corps that try to get as much platforms to join them as possible. Some platforms will support a lot of metaverses. Depending on where you bought your new shiny avatar, you will not be able to use it on your favorite platform.

    Not sure whether there actually will be widely adopted open standards and whether there will be widely supported open metaverses for user-generated content.

    But metaverses are definitely the next big thing after loot boxes get outlawed and platforms get forced to become sortof interoperable...
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    @Oktokolo Oh, no doubt marketers will abuse the term, as they already do, but abusing the term is exactly what they are doing.

    What the metaverse is (or would be) is pretty clearly shown in Snow Crash and that's a single omnipresent internet-like cyberspace that is presented through fully immersive virtual reality. If it doesn't meet those requirements, then it isn't the metaverse.

    Multiple different cyberspaces controlled by different companies? Then that's not the metaverse. Not accessed through VR or accessed through non-fully immersive VR? Then that's not the metaverse. Different in any meaningful way from the depiction in Snow Crash? Then that's not the metaverse.

    It's just like the concept of a hoverboard. Companies can label any product they want as a hoverboard, but if it doesn't work like the boards in Back to the Future, then it isn't really a hoverboard, it's just marketers misusing a geek term to sell a product.
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    @NotJeckel Etymologically You are right. But i doubt, that the Metaverse of Snowcrash will happen. The term already changed meaning to what i described in the only industry that could actually build any of both versions.
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    @Oktokolo Fair enough, but I have a fondness for tilting at etymological windmills. ;)
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    @NotJeckel I once where an etymology nazi like you, but then i took a marketing expert to the knee... 😛
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    @Oktokolo @NotJeckel this little exchange fired my hangover on the spot and everyone clapped, thanks
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    If you go away from any Ethereum based chain, you can find great projects with great intentions and expectations that go way beyond art owning. Algorand and Cardano have so much fucking thought and engineering put into it.

    Now, of course, the market doesn't give a fuck about the engineering because it is not even equipped to evaluate it. That's just life.
  • 0
    @brnrdo My 'personal projects' folder has a lot of thought and engineering put into it and the market gives about as much of a fuck about it. I've nothing against the technology for the most part, I have a lot against wanks insisting that it's integral to the very operation of the internet.
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    @MM83 I don't like it because it has an exponential cost curve associated with it in terms of electricity
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    @MM83 I missed the part about the "wanks insisting that it is integral to the internet". Makes sense!
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    Crypto is dogshit but the concept of rewarding people for using it is the only way to build a decentralized internet.

    The problem is that we invented banks for a reason. People loosing their gold or having their gold stolen was a much bigger issue than some banker high on cocaine printing pieces of paper saying "Trusssssssst me there is gold behind this note :coughcough:"

    However when you can store biometrics on a distributed ledger without creating privacy issues, the problem of lost keys will be gone.

    This is when crypto might start to be interesting, until then, it's dogshit because the masses are too dumb to successfully adopt it without a middleman.

    But yeah, with banknotes or shitcoins, either way, we're pretending that there is gold behind, that's all it needs to work economically, and that's why it sounds so idiotic to you. You're just used to people doing that with fiat since you're a baby so you forgot that it's dogshit too lol.
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    "the masses are too dumb to successfully adopt it without a middleman...since you're a baby so you forgot that it's dogshit too lol." - I forgot to mention how charming its proponents are as well, thanks for the extra bullet point.
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    @MM83 well, the truth is not meant to be charming, it's meant to be brutally honest and inconvenient.

    If it was only about competency... but it's not. People will get scammed by obvious schemes and never get their money back, they will lose their keys, they will evade taxes and so on.
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