
My wife wants me to learn another language. I told her I was already fluent in half a dozen languages, and decent at ton more.

Apparently computer languages don't count...

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    Are you ?
  • 5
    I'm in the same boat. I've spent quite some time looking for a "Spanish" compiler...
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    @ravik Yes.
  • 4
    Yes. Half a dozen sounds better than 6. And more characters tambien.
  • 3
    Does Pig Latin count as a language, you could learn that
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    @turigi you won't find it, cause those are interpreted languages ;D
  • 1
    Learn 'Hello', 'good day', 'yes', 'no', and 'thank you' in 10 different languages and you can convince most people you speak them all...
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    Maybe she is implicitly asking you to spend more time with her. Taking a new language lesson can be a fun couple activity, you spend time with your partner while doing something productive.
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    @tmux That's fair, but I know it isn't the case at the moment. She works full time and is a full time student. That might be her plan for when she is done with school though.
  • 3
    I usually use programming languages in my count as well. And think it is justified.

    I mean come on programming languages transcends the spoken languages. Both humans and machines understand it and each other. That is communicating beyond our race and therefore the other languages are inferior badly crafted inconsistent piles of nonsense 😁
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