Survey: Would you sign in to this website?

  • 5
    Welcome to devRant. Not sure if you have joined on 5th of April or 4th of May 😅

    What's the url like?
  • 3
    Reported to us by a client:


    At least they use HTTPS...
  • 3
    God no! However, its not the worst one I've seen.
  • 4
    If you are going to make a phishing page at least put in some effort and don't stretch the image icons like that.
  • 1
    Monster of Legitness!
  • 0
    I was also quite impressed by the nonchalant close of loop after providing bogus credentials.
  • 3
    It can also be the other way round. Does anybody know the first version of the VISA security page for online payments, used like 4 or 5 years ago? It was called 3D-secure or something like that?
    The first time I was directed to this page, it was so ugly, simplistic and "cheap", I would not type anything there. The redirection during the payment process came unexpected and I definitely assumed it to be a phishing page, because I thought VISA would not launch such a crappy looking page. So I canceled the payment process.

    Next time I was prepared and it turned out, it was the real VISA website.
  • 1
    Why would i not? Looks perfectly normal to me!
  • 2
    Yes, my mail provider is office 365.
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