It sucks so much when you want to learn and expand your skill set but can't because you cannot find any good resources.
I've been trying to get started with MVP and RxJava for android and have got nowhere yet because of unavailability of good starting codes/tutorials.

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    Yeah, know that feeling
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    So to me MVP is minimum viable product but that doesn't seem to fit in this context?
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    @alwaysmpe its Model View Presenter architecture pattern in android
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    Okay.. so you'll find it easier to learn about rx through reading blogs about rxjs. Finding common patterns/use cases people use will help build that understanding.

    Learning Rx is really about getting familiar with the operators and their caveats. ReactiveX has a good enough documentation for each operator (operator names may vary slightly across languages)

    I've not worked with MVP. But that's just a design pattern. If you want to you use it then you probably understand why you like it right? So then take that high level understanding and figure out what are the general bindings you want to create between views and model or whatever. Find patterns and let rx help you build that.

    Get familiar with then operators first. Rx is a fucking huge toolset. The more you study it, the better your solutions will be. The learning curve will be something like step functions. Every time you think you got most of it, you'll get bitten on the ass, rant about it and learn more again
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    Start here:
    (Check it by branch name)

    It also has samples for Data Binding, my favorite.
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