For some reason I always have a hard time mentally mapping "asc/desc" to dates. I think of stairs and mentally map the dates to unicode timestamps. Am I the only one? Sort descending by date is newest first, btw

  • 0
    Jesus death to my birth.

    My birth to jesus death.

    Note that my brain is bad in numbers.

    As the year 0 doesn't exist, just pinpoint 1 AD.

    1 AD ... 19** - ascending
    19** ... 1 AD - descending.
  • 1
    but shouldn't unicode timestamps be sorted as in "ASC = earliest first" as well (depending on the date format)? 🤔
    or is it rather that when you imagine the future, it's downstairs?
    people have different time space synesthesias, if at all, for me the relative future is also "upstairs"
  • 0
    ASC - past to future
    DESC - future to past
  • 2
    @soull00t I think you mean Unix timestamps?

    As the epoch for the Unix timestamp starts at 01-01-1970 00:00:00 ...

    It is 0.

    Going further back in time, negative value.

    (Common mistake: A Unix timestamp has to be signed, not unsigned).

    Going to the future: Number increases.

    So the sorting is "naturally implied".

    Descending: Highest to lowest
    Ascending: Lowest to Highest

    The stairs refer I think to a visual image of the number.
  • 1
    @IntrusionCM i also first thought he probably means unix timestamps. with unicode he maybe refers to formatted strings (eg. YYYYMMDD-hhmmss)
  • 1
    @soull00t @IntrusionCM d'oh sorry I meant UNIX timestamp indeed.

    Try filling in these as fast as possible with asc or desc, can you do it instantly?

    - blog posts are usually ordered by date ...
    - the most senior members were listed first, the order was by age ...
    - chronological order is order by date ...
    - web app notifications are usually displayed by date ...
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