
I'm not good with faces, at all.
I literally once forgot a dudes name and remembered after he got his laptop out from his bag and i saw his stickers.
I recognize people based on their stickers now...

  • 0
    Maybe you have prosopagnosia ?
  • 1
    i have the same problem. recently i forgot the name of my teamleader which was kind of awkward when i had to refer to him in a group meeting xD
  • 4
    I used to struggle with that. It's not so much that my memory sucks, but if I don't find something interesting or important I just discard the information! Had to train myself to make an effort with names and faces when I started my last job, but it does pay off.
  • 0
    I'm not good faces too, but I absolutely can not remember names ._.
  • 0
    Kinda similar for me. I'm more likely to remember phone numbers than names.
  • 0
    I can't remember names but if i see someone entering password i will remember it for years.
  • 2
    Easy solution, put a sticker on their face
  • 1
    Back in college, sometimes i had to look up my 2 year long friend's names on WhatsApp
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