Im not against people who game all the time, but don't you think you (gamers) are wasting your time most of the times?

  • 11
    No? If we did think that, we wouldn't be doing that, now would we?
  • 10
    Compared to what?

    Life has no meaning, if playing games make you happy and you really enjoy it why shouldn’t you game?
  • 10
    Wasting time...

    Everything's a waste of time depending on perspective.

    If it boils down to that, your only task in life is to reproduce.
  • 8
    I'm just sad I can't really enjoy gaming any more like I used to
  • 3
  • 0
    @piratefox I mean in comparison to learning something useful, does gaming develop your abilities and skills?
  • 3
    @dIREsTRAITS ofc it develops skilld. Problem solving, logic, reaction time, social soft skills, game dev skills, design, art, probably many more.

    I mean play is the best way to develop skills. And games are extremely good at that. Even better if you want to be a game dev, but for everyone else, as long as you get your brain involved you're still enhancing it and learning.

    It's short-sighted to see games as a waste of time. In reality every aspekt of formal learning should be turned into games
  • 2
    @Hazarth I agree with what you’re saying. But OP is talking about gaming all the time. I see a lot of people going into seclusion because of gaming too much. I guess like anything, it’s a matter of keeping things balanced
  • 1
    @dIREsTRAITS they do! And playing is an extremely efficient way of learning!

    Besides, humans need downtime if they don’t want to burnout
  • 2
    @black-kite id argue that they didn't go into seclusion because of gaming, but rather they were already having difficulty with social interaction and games give them the one outlet to still interact with others with more than just text.
  • 2
    You’re not my real dad. *unpauses*
  • 1
    Maybe it's not normal, but I get at least half of my inspiration while gaming. Not always from the game itself, sometimes from people I'm playing with, but still...
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