
Accidentally using :w everywhere because you're used to it. Just vim things.

  • 4
    I was using ms excel the other day and tried to navigate cells with hjkl. Ended up with a bunch of random characters all over the spreadsheet.
  • 1
    I somehow create file name ':w' with this habit.
  • 2
    I always try ctrl+s in VIM.... Then i just do escape :qw and then gedit <filename>
  • 2

    Nerdtree users can relate
  • 2
    @nicholai 'wq' -> oh, NERDTree buffer wont close (1st time NERDTree user)
  • 2
    I sometimes try to dd in eclipse... Then I wait 2 minutes to delete them. *Cries in poor*
  • 4
    I remaped "jj" to <esc> because it's easier to access and swapped ";" and ":" so I don't have to use the shift

    Now I type jj;w everywhere :/
  • 2
    I did the exact same thing. It's way easier than reaching for <esc>
  • 1
    Yeah. And even better than ^[
  • 2
    I use `:w` and `SPC s f` interchangeably, and it's a problem when I'm using just Vim or IntelliJ and not Spacemacs.
  • 7
    I have seen pull requests with :wq in places where it does not belong..
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