"Stop throwing errors in your library! They cause my app to crash"

Who amongst us hasn't hear of the popular maxim: "Fail late even after you know something is wrong, and then make sure the failure cascades over the whole app in mysterious ways"

  • 3
    "my library doesn't have any errors though"
  • 6
    Another case of it hurts so much cause it has happened too many times.

    "Why library throwing exceptions, just logging error is fine".

    When you hear that sentence you know that there's a lot of therapy needed in the evening, cause someone (aka you) has to start drilling the basics into their heads.
  • 0
    @IntrusionCM didnt understand the drilling bit
  • 2
    @IntrusionCM tell them throwing the exception allows them to write the exception message to a file, trigger a print job so that they can shove the paper up their ass, which is a more conventional error handling method than logging.
  • 1
    @AnxiousADHDGuy drilling aka explaining with kindness of a marine drill instructor
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