
First of all, I need you to forgive me for what I'm doing to do...

So, for webdev, Ruby or Python?
Opinions, thoughts, tips, are all welcome.

- I know these kind of choose A or B questions make me a horrible person, but what can I do. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ -

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    As a little background, I have some grasp of what python is, I successfully "made" (if you count grabbing a almost ready template and tumbling all over stack overflow to find how to send an email with python as "making") a website.

    The thing is, in my opinion (totally personal), I found python to be a bit lacking in some resources, like the email thing, I was beaten by it, if I recall it correctly, took me two days to make it work, and by work I mean "eh, it works, I think".

    Heard a lot of good things about Ruby and I'm very curious about it, just didn't have the time to sit and put my mind into it, I'm very opinion-driven, so I figured you guys/gals could help me here.

    Thanks friends! :)
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    Both languages are great.
    Python is faster than Ruby btw.
    I think that anything is faster than Ruby lol
    Ruby has a better developer experience IMHO.
    BTW I would recommend you give a try for Elixir. It's about 5 years old now, it has a vibrant community behind it and it was created by a Rails core team member based on his frustrations related to ruby performance. Elixir has a syntax very similar Ruby with some super powers but it runs on top of BEAM, which is very well tested VM well known by give life for Erlang programming language... that means it is compatible with any library written in erlang (for sake of curiosity, erlang is 31 years old and it has been used to build massive scalable systems since its early days)


    Sorry for my bad english.
    Best Regards.
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    I'd recommend Ruby. According to my experience, better Dev experience than Python, why:
    More concise, lambda expressions, better interface to OS...
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    Master Javascript?

    but if you going to be interested in artificial inteligence (tensorflow) and data science in the future, python is for you.
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    @Plinn lambda x: x**2 (python has had lambdas since pretty much forever (2.2+))
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