
When you have to delete your own code, because you just thought of a better way of doing it 😐

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    happens all the time. Brain is a slow learner and always learns something new
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    I just make one version to a multiline line comment, and if the "new and better" way is bulls*** I have a backup on hand : )
    My Mentor at work is a very wise xD
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    @ThinkBigDev version controlling maybe?
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    @dreik Somewhat in that direction, yes xD
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    @ThinkBigDev better use git, if you're not using it already.
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    @dreik Use it already. But when I just try out a simple and little feature, I don't create a new branch... Would take to long. IMO
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    @ThinkBigDev Try some GUI tools like SourceTree. It's way easier than remembering all those git terminal commands.
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    I read about it, but didn't tried it yet.
    Is SourceTree good or can you recommend a specific GUI-Tool?
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