windows did something right

  • 1
    Listing home dir?
  • 4
    Well, "NTUSER.DAT*" files in home directory ruin everything.

    And the fact that you still resorted to using MSYS terminal emulator instead of Windows Terminal should tell that `ls` is just a Cygwin thing. It's definitely not WSL.
  • 0
    @vintprox you shure? that UI looks a lot like 'Windows Terminal'

    which I use daily and find quite useful
  • 4
    That's Git Bash though...
    Or do you mean Windows Terminal as a whole?
  • 1
    Obviously he means windows terminal...
  • 1
    regardless of whats files and what shell

    Windows Terminal UI looks pretty cool and well configurable
  • 0
    @vintprox it's neither cygwin nor wsl, its Windows Terminal
  • 0
    @asgs it can do more
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