
anybody's got some passive income idea?

  • 12
    Adding a bug to some Fintech software that moves $0.0000001 to an offshore account.
  • 9
    i got an idea _about_ passive income:

    it's what screws up our economy.

    because in the end, it's "getting paid for other peoples work" - getting money for having money.
  • 6
    • 3D Printer + Etsy
    • Build arcade cabinets (parts from AliExpress) and rent them out to cool kids startup offices and random events
  • 2
    @tosensei what's your thought on ad revenue from original content published to public platforms like YouTube?
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    @sariel ain't really passive, since you had to be active to create the initial content
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    @tosensei shouldn't it become passive once you stop making content and it continues to generate income for you?
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    @sariel granted. that technically is "passive income". although i'd definitely draw a distinction between "later payments based on initial _work_" and "later payments based on initial _capital_" or "later payments based on _other peoples_ initial work", which most passive income is.
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    @sariel The YT algorithm is strongly biased against "old" content, so you need to stay active in order to keep getting new views.
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    @ess3sq idk about that. My feed is full of content from 3-10 years ago.

    Often I'll watch half of a video before realizing I watched it a year or more before.
  • 3
    Invest in something you believe in and let the money grow with it
  • 0
    @matt-jd what do you say to the folks who believe in the my pillow guy?
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    REITs and Treasury bonds. It's a yawn of a ride but pays up in the long run.

    You might be financing state-sponsored genocide but that's a Trolley problem - you can't exactly avoid giving bomb-makers money entirely, since they also own the internet and the electrical companies. So you can either embrace nihilism or capitalism.
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